Saturday, June 22, 2013

The postman ...

... is actually a postwoman. She and I talk flowers a lot and gardening of all kinds. I purchased a different mailbox at a rummage sale last summer. It opens in the front and the back. I love that. I've put it right by my front porch and I can just reach in and get the mail without having to leave my porch. Perfect for me. But ... for the past year, the mailbox has been propped up with two cinderblocks. What an eyesore. I've had this plan for it since I purchased it but just hadn't gotten to it. Finally, the whiskey barrel I mentioned in an earlier post found its new home. So, with sweat tickling my head (I HATE that feeling when my hair gets sweaty), I marked that task from my to-do list. It was terribly hot and humid yesterday. I'm not complaining at all because I do love hot weather. Most of the time, when I have something physically demanding to do, I try to do it during the morning or evening hours.

There is a bright green sweet potato vine on the left, the lavender color is the bloom of a small double bloom petunia, the yellow and orange blooms are small zinnias. In front of the zinnias, a momma and baby bird figurine that I've had for many years and just behind the birdhouse, to the right, you can barely see the black knight sweet potato vine. Hopefully, it will look nice in three weeks or so. I have the intent to change it with the seasons. We'll see ...

As you can see by the bare spot in the grass (caused by the 2 cu ft bag of garden soil I had laying there for a week before I got to it) and the bit under the porch, I still have lots to do. It's gotten more difficult as I get older and I've had to accept that it will probably never been what I'd like. The only one to do it is me and I'm not moving so fast anymore. ha My shoulders and back scream in protest but I've found they scream in protest when I lounge on the couch too. ha

Enjoy your day as best as you can ...


  1. Hi LesleyAnn!
    The barrel looks great with all your plants and birdy stuff. I wish I could reach my mailbox from the front porch. There's a lot of traffic on my road.
    Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Tea. There's lots of traffic on my road too. I recall when I was a child if 50 cars in a day passed by here, that was a lot of traffic. Now it's that much in an hour!

  2. I have to go 1/4 mile to get to my mail box. I wish I could pretty it up like you have. Love what you've done here Lesley. xo

  3. Thank you for the nice comments. I used to have to go about 100' to get my mail at the road. It was difficult in the winter, I'd have to drive it if there was snow. The mail lady asked the postmaster if my box could be moved to my house and they walk to put the mail in the box. She was so kind to have suggested that.


I appreciate you stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your visit.